Partner FAQ

What is the Playlist project?

The Playlist Project was inspired by a viral video posted by US primary school teacher Kimberly Beasley. Her class particularly liked the song ‘Milestones’ by Miles Davis and can be seen singing along enthusiastically to his solo. Link to Video

Who is the Playlist project aimed at?

The Playlist project is aimed at teachers of Key Stage 2. Ideally we would recommend this project for children in school Years 3 - 5 .

How does the Playlist project work?

The project has three stages:

Stage One - Listening (Autumn term)

Put on one or more tunes from the playlist daily so that it is in the background whilst your students are completing other tasks.

Stage Two - Engaging (Spring term)

Encourage your class to engage with the active listening classroom activities linked to the playlist tracks - a resource pack with detailed lesson plans with audio and video resources is provided.

Each piece includes activities under the following headings 1. Movement 2. Vocal 3. Creative and 4. Brain break. Please note that the Playlist project only uses vocal and body percussion so that the activities are accessible for all and not dependant on school resources. The resources can be used as starting points or become the content for your weekly music sessions.

Stage Three - Performing (Summer Term)

The programme culminates in the children taking part in a performance. This could take the form of an interactive online session or a school visit by a group of jazz musicians.

How much does it cost to take part?

The Playlist project is free for schools. Interested teachers can contact Helena Summerfield for more information.